Community Resources
Provides counseling, crisis intervention, parent education and many other services designed to keep youth from running away from home, being truant from school or exhibiting other delinquent behavior.
Nearly 700,000 children experience abuse or neglect each year. Instead of playing with neighbors and making happy family memories, they’re attending court hearings, adjusting to new foster homes and transitioning to new schools. That’s a heavy burden for a child to carry. With a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) or guardian ad litem (GAL) volunteer dedicated to their case, America’s most vulnerable children will have someone speaking up for their best interests. With your support, more children will have the opportunity to thrive in a safe and loving home.
The Family Crisis Center of East Texas provides support and services to the following areas: Angelina County, Houston County, Nacogdoches County, Polk County, Sabine County, San Augustine County, San Jacinto County, Shelby County, and Trinity County.
Child Protective Services (CPS) becomes involved with children and families when they are referred by the DFPS Investigations division, which investigates allegations of child abuse and neglect. You can report child abuse by calling 1-800-252-5400 or online.
Alcohol & Drug Abuse
The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council's youth outpatient treatment program is licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services. The program serves youths ages 13 to 17 years old without regard to race or sex and also includes treatment for families and/or significant others. Young adults aged 18 to 21 may be admitted to the youth outpatient treatment program when the screening process indicates the individual's development, needs, experiences and behavior are similar to those of adolescent clients. Individuals who have been diagnosed with either substance abuse or dependency, who are not deemed appropriate for inpatient treatment and who are not in need of medical detoxification, according to the Texas Department of Insurance Placement Criteria and other program admission conditions will be eligible for admission. Clients who have been satisfactorily detoxified and stabilized via other programs will also be eligible for this program. Outpatient treatment will include individual, group sessions, family education and/or home visits.
Counseling Services
Burke provides services for persons with mental illness and developmental disabilities.
A private mental health care practice specializing in the treatment of children, adolescents, adults, and their families.
The SFASU Counseling Clinic is a service provided by the Department of Human Services Counselor Education Programs. It is a training clinic in which services are provided by graduate students who are in the Practicum and Internship portion of their education. All services are supervised by fully licensed Counselor Education faculty. The Stephen F. Austin State University (SFASU) Counseling Clinic combines a therapeutic and community focus which offers a full continuum of counseling care. The program serves children, adolescents, and adults who are experiencing personal problems. Before being served, minors must be accompanied by either a parent and/or guardian.
Emergency Mental Health Services 1-800-392-8343
Disability Services
- Social Security Administration
What Disabilities Qualify for SSI
- Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation
Serves youth and students with disabilities to help prepare for post-secondary education and employment opportunities. Services are eligibility and need based.
- Texas Health & Human Services Autism Program
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing serious, developmental disability, affecting an estimated 1 out of 68 children in the United States. With this number growing at a significant rate, there continues to be an unmet need for services. The Autism Program was developed in an effort to mitigate this need. The program champions excellence in the delivery of services for families of children with autism. Services are provided through grant contracts with local community agencies and organizations that provide applied behavioral analysis (ABA) and other positive behavior support strategies. The program helps improve the quality of life for children on the autism spectrum and their families.
The Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services program assists eligible people who have a traumatic brain injury (TBI), traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI), or both, function independently in their home and community. Services can be related to communication, mobility and self-care.
Burke provides Crisis Intervention Services to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with significant behavioral and psychiatric challenges. These individuals often exhibit substantial needs requiring additional support beyond the array of services typically provided within our community programs. Resources are expanded to address crisis situations with individuals who have IDD.
Innovative Homes offers Day Programming, Respite Care, Vocational Services, Supported Employment Services, HCS/Foster Companion Care and Recreational Activities.
St. Giles Living Centers serves individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in various locations throughout Texas. Many choices are available for the personalized care of each individual. Services are provided through one of the following of programs: Intermediate Care Facility, and Home- and Community-Based Services.
- Texas Health & Human Resources Intellectual or Developmental Disability Long Term Care
- The Arc of Texas
The Arc of Texas promotes, protects and advocates for the human rights and self-determination of Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Gateway Community Partners - Sheltered Workshop - 936-639-1291
Early Intervention
Many children with a developmental delay are not identified until after they enter school.
Early intervention can have a significant impact on a child’s abilities to learn, and it reduces the need for additional interventions later in life. Developmental delays can hinder a child’s ability to develop to their fullest potential. Click Here to see the Red Flags that might indicate your child has a need of early intervention.
The Angelina County & Cities Health District is a public health district formed between the county and cities of Angelina County in 1967. The Health District serves as a dynamic community organization working toward a healthier tomorrow through the provision of public health services.
Texas Health Steps is health care for children birth through age 20 who have Medicaid. Texas Health Steps gives your child free medical checkups starting at birth, and free dental checkups starting at 6 months of age. Checkups can help find health problems before they get worse and harder to treat.